Wednesday, 16 June 2010

an EP cover for "Two in a Boat"

I have recently finished the EP cover for my brother's band Two in a Boat's upcoming single.  The musical duo recently won a county wide competition to play at Glastonbury Festival 2010 and asked me to produce some cover art for their promotional CD release this summer.

There are elements I feel could have been improved with a little more time such as the bracelet, the caricatures and the overall colour correction but for a first attempt at something like this I feel things went OK.

Two in a Boat's music can be found at
and anyone attending Glastonbury 2010 can find the pair playing the BBC Introducing stage on Saturday 26th of June.

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Life Studies

Well after 6 months of blogging animation theory from my moleskin journals I felt it was about time my creative work had a blog of its own.  I've jumped back into life drawing to exercise the doodling skills, its incredible how alien a pencil or even graphics tablet feels after an overdose of Maya.